HIGHROC User Workshop #2 in Hamburg
10 October 2017
The second HIGHROC User Workshop was planned on 09-10 Oct. 2017 at the end of the Service Trials period, which lasted from October 2016 to September 2017. The Workshop was held at the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH) in Hamburg and was hosted by Brockmann Consult and their core user BSH.
Core users of HIGHROC were invited to present their results with using the HIGHROC products. The purpose of the meeting was to assess from the users which products had been used, and whether the new products developed within HIGHROC had been beneficial. Furthermore, the HIGHROC partners wanted to know what future improvements were needed, and which recommendations would the users give.
The workshop was successful in gathering over the course of 1 ½ days 22 participants from six different countries, to hear presentations and discuss on coastal applications and how HIGHROC products may have been used. The discussions focused on the usability of the HIGHROC products in pre-existing working schemes for each user and the combination of different data sources, among others HIGHROC products and other EO based results.
See agenda and list of participants